car diagnostic tool



Acute prostatitis is an infection that causes severe symptoms. It is the most serious and least common type of prostatitis. Men with this illness are usually very sick, and their symptoms come on suddenly.

A urine test may reveal bacteria, and using a digital rectal exam, a doctor will find the prostate to be warm, swollen, and very tender.
When you have acute prostatitis, you may experience some system symptoms such as fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, chills and fever. In addition to those mentioned above, you also can experience swelling pain on abdomen or perineum, which can spread to waist, lower abdomen, back and thigh.
Frequent urination, urgent urination, painful urination, trouble urination when urinating, dull feeling, swelling pain on rectum, cloudy urine, painful sex and bloody semen also are symptoms of acute prostatitis. If those symptoms last more than one week and the temperature is high, it is very possible that men affect acute prostatitis. 
Commonly, acute prostatitis is caused by bloody infection or spreading. If men's prostate gland is invaded by bacteria, their prostate glands will congestion, edema and form abscess and then develop into acute prostatitis.
If there are lots of white blood cells or pyocyte in prostate fluid which produced when taking test under microscope, that means you have inflammation in your prostate gland. What's more, inflammation can be found when taking Urine Routine Test and their urine tests commonly are shown as alkalinity, but bloody infection patients' tests are normal. What's more, in three cups of urine test, Debris and pyuria can be found in the first cup, while the second cup is clean and the third cup is cloudy.
From the above introduction, you must know that you whether you affect a acute prostatitis or not, if you don't, how fortune you are. If you do, there is no need to worry about it too much because acute prostatitis can be cured by antibiotic totally. If you want to avoid the side-effect and drug resistance of antibiotic, a herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is particularly recommended.


When suffering from chronic prostatitis, patients have to put up with the annoying and recurrent symptoms, such as urgency and frequency, pain urination etc. And their best wish is to eliminate these symptoms thoroughly and rapidly. For the TCM treatment, how long does it take to cure prostatitis has become the focus.
Actually, there is no definite answer for this question. How long will prostatitis be cured with TCM therapy? In generally, the treatment time is based on condition of patients'disease, physical condition and the response to herbal medicine. And the most important point is that different herbal medicines need different time to cure prostatitis.
According to a medical clinical experience, diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill that invented by Wuhan herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping, works on chronic prostatitis effectively. Commonly, patients can feel improvement in the first month. And according to the treatment situation of patients, their symptoms can be relieved every day until all symptoms eliminate. Some patients need only two or three months to be cured. But some patients may need more time.
How does diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill work to prostatitis? In the view of TCM, it hold a view that prostatitis is caused by “stranguria”. And the symptoms of urgency and frequency, burning sensation urination are caused by “heat stranguria” (heat gathering in human body). The symptoms of pain in the abdomen, discomfort of the penis or testicles are considered as “Qi stranguria”, Qi stranguria means that the blood and Qi are unblocked in internal body.
To relieve the “Qi stranguria”, the herbal formula which can activate blood and resolve stasis, promote Qi and release pain is needed. The herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill contains herbs like safflower, peach seed and angelica sinensis, which can relieve pain and discomfort of the penis or testicles effectively.
Besides, the herbal medicine contains herbs like plantain seed, Houttuynia cordata, cowherb seed, which can kill bacteria and clear away heat, stranguria-relieving and diuretic. It can not only clear away the “heat stranguria”, but also can relieve the symptoms like urgency and frequency, burning sensation urination etc.
The herbal medicine is a complete formula, containing more than 50 rare and pure herbs. It can cure chronic prostatitis without any side effect. According to the feedbacks of patients, the herbal medicine has amazing effect to eliminate chronic prostatitis that has suffered for many years. It truly changes patient's life.


The first misunderstanding: chronic prostatitis and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) are the same thing.There are many patients confused the chronic prostatitis with BPH)and they also worried that chronic prostatitis can lead to the the BPH. In fact, these are all wrong. Because chronic prostatitis and BPH are two entirely different problems. They have different etiology and pathology. There is no necessary connection between them.

The second misunderstanding: only antibiotics can cure the prostatitis.
Most of prostatitis are nonbacterial. Some prostatitis are caused by kinds of pathogenic microorganism. So it may have effective result to use antibiotic for the patient with prostatitis. But it can't prevent the recurrence and also has side effect. So the prostatitis is hardly cured thoroughly by antibiotic.  There are more and more patients want to find some new ways to clean their prostatitis. Then herbal medicine may be a better choice for the prostatitis. Like Diuretic anti-inflammatory pill, it has no side effect.
The third misunderstanding: prostatitis can't be cured.
The pathologic change of chronic prostatitis is complicated. There are a lot of factors can lead to Congestion of prostate or recurrence of the prostatitis, such as over fatigue and be crapulent. No matter how serious the disease is, the condition of the prostatitis may be more better even disappeared after some find of treatments. So chronic prostatitis is not incurable, but the treatment way is not right or the patients are cant insist to cure it or the patients are not pay attention to the prevention and healthcare after curing. If the patients can find a right way to cure the prostatitis and prevent some harmful causes.The patients with prostatitis can be cured thoroughly.
The fourth misunderstanding: chronic prostatitis has infectiousness.
There are a lot of chronic prostatitis cant find the pathogenic bacterium, which is the nonbacterial prostatitis. As for this kind of chronic prostatitis, which has no infectiousness. The vagina of women has the function of self-cleaning and disease resistance. So general condition, patients with chronic can have sexual life.
The fifth misunderstanding: chronic prostatitis is a kind of STD.
Prostatitis is a common inflammation disease of the male reproductive system. For the patient cant cure it thoroughly, there are a lot of person think that prostatitis is a kind of STD. Prostatitis has acute prostatitis and chronicn prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis is always caused by bacteria. Inflammation always caused by the bacteria from urethral, most of which is escherichia coli. Some other pathogenic bacterium also can enter into the prostate through the blood or lymph. At the usual time, there are no symptoms, but it can induce the prostatitis under the external factor. Such as cold, drink, long-distance cycle, urethra instrumental examination and so on. It may be a little serious, but it is not the STD.
According to Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic, more and more patients from other countries choose to take Chinese herbal medication to cure prostatitis. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is entering the world market with its unique power to treat chronic prostatitis. With the new natural medication, the recovery from prostate problem become extremely easy.


ホーム家具またはソフト提供は、ファッションビジネスの今日の最新動向である。私たちはhttp://www.itariaautorettjp.com自 分の職場や自宅やおそらくそれは私たちが一般的に私たちの家具の色やデザインを通じてリラクゼーションを求める私たちの多忙な生活のための補償があるの内 部を参照して、ファッションを中心となるために人々をリードして周りの欲望はすべてを改装する。一般的に、私たちは私たちの周りに柔らかく、美しい生地に よって私たちの視覚と触覚の五感を喜ばせるためにしてみてください。

彼らは変化する流行に応じて自分のワードローブを変更するように、最後 の3-4年の間に、人々は彼らの家の家具を変え始めている。ライフスタイル提供は、美学、快適さ、色やデザインの組み合わせになっています。例えば、茶色 のソファが古くなってきていると人々は現在、青と赤のような活気のある色を好む。このセグメントにおけるブランド認知は低いが、現時点でシナリオが変化し ているが、数年前に消費者がブランドのホームファニッシング製品を購入する上で強調したことはありませんが、今、彼らは新製品やブランドについての認識し ています。

家具のリストは、ベッドシーツ、枕スリップ(枕シャムス)、ベッドスカート、布団http://www.itariaautorettjp.comカ バー、キルト、クッションのようなベッドリネンが含まれ;寝室のマッチングのカーテンへの完全な外観を与えるために、バックを結びつけ、またマットは、こ のリストに含めることができます。このベッドルームは専用バスルームがさらに大きなをリストを作成してある可能性があります。タオルやフロアマット、シャ ワーカーテン、同じソープケース、歯ブラシホルダー、ソープディスペンサー、マグカップやラグは、バスルームの魅力を提供することができます。水はこの部 屋で、海と海、貝殻、魚の記憶を呼び起こすため、これらは浴室の付属品のデザイン·製作の主要なパターンである。ベッド·アンド·風呂のテーマも、設計者 によって一緒に結合されます。



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